
Showing posts from December, 2016

Facebook is a kind of Twitter, a medium for people who can only take this much more as a post, writes Tswagare Namane

One of the reasons why some of us came to Facebook, as against the likes of Twitter, was because of the amount of space allowed per post. I must have started so mewhere around 2010 or so and the length of posts was still restricted then - to almost a short paragraph. Immediately you went over the limit your post would be rejected with a stern notice popping up to say you were above limit.  Tswagare Namane, Writer, poet, Cultural Theorist. Picture from his Facebook page. Sometimes it was heartrending for you would have written what you felt was one of your best pieces, and now you had to sculpt it down to the permitted number. One thing I liked about that curfew-like situation, although in general I detested the idea of being boxed up - it felt like a kind of censorship , in that it forced on us the ability to be economical and effective with words. So those of us who were stubborn and never take things lying down fell upon writing unrestrictedly in our Notes and th